
Managed IT Services

finanxial IT offers professional consulting and outsourcing services to support your company's IT infrastructure. finanxial IT outsourcing services free you from dependence on an individual freelance consultant while giving you affordable, reliable access to enterprise-class technical expertise.

01 Empowering Your IT Infrastructure with Professional Outsourcing
02 Access Enterprise-Class Expertise Affordably with Finanxial IT Services

By delivering professional know-how when you need it, providing specialized expertise in key applications, and charging only for services you use, finanxial IT gives you an affordable way to maximize the business value of your network.

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Building Secure And Reliable Information Systems With finanxial IT

finanxial IT is the smart way for businesses to build and maintain a reliable and secure information system and to have fast access to the skilled support ordinarily available only to businesses who can afford a large internal IT organization.

Prioritizing Client Interests with Product-Neutral IT Solutions

Clients require guidance and education to navigate an increasingly complex maze of technology options for accelerating business growth and improving efficiency. They do not need an IT consultant trying to sell them a product.

finanxial IT avoids conflicts of interest by not selling any products. This allows finanxial IT to align technical expertise with clients' best interests. IT consulting and product selling can lead to a situation where the proposed solution is built around a predetermined technology rather than the genuine needs of a small business.

Empowering Clients with Knowledge

finanxial IT guides clients through technology options, focusing on strategies that enhance growth and efficiency, avoiding product sales. Our approach prioritizes client success over short-term gains.

Aligning Technology with Client Goals

finanxial IT avoids selling products to ensure that our solutions are tailored to your specific needs, free from any conflicts of interest. This commitment allows us to concentrate on providing advice that truly benefits your business operations.


Chief Technology Advisor – finanxial IT

provides advice, recommendations, and direction for the IT needs. At your request, our CTA can physically meet with or have a Teams meeting with your management or outside vendors to determine the best way to handle technical decisions.

Needs Assessment and Inventory

Complete a thorough inventory of all computers, computer-related equipment, and all software/licenses, whether currently used or not. After that, we will understand the company's operations well

Design and Planning – finanxial IT

will determine the best use of the existing technology system and recommend improvements. Recommendations will pertain to creating the best technology system layout and incorporating the most efficient use of resources. Planning services also apply to directory service design, backup procedures, disaster recovery measures, security considerations, anti-virus/malware mechanisms, password provisioning for sensitive information access, Internet access controls, and remote access systems.

Installation and Upgrade Management

If there is an installation or major upgrade to the technology system for which the design layout has been completed and approved, finanxial IT will coordinate and manage the installation or upgrades. finanxial IT will oversee and document third-party efforts. In conclusion, we will generate a report detailing the status of the proposed system.

Remote Help Desk

will provide full-time system engineers on staff. They know their technology system well. Availability will be through telephone, e-mail, or Teams meetings during normal business hours to answer questions.

On-site support

will ensure the technology system runs as efficiently as possible. An engineer will visit the company on a scheduled basis, engaging in management meetings and planning sessions and performing routine maintenance. In addition, the engineer can perform a walkthrough to ensure that every end user who uses the system can work efficiently.


will train IT personnel on the software and hardware used. finanxial IT will also ensure that the identified computer liaison can perform basic maintenance and administrative procedures. finanxial IT will train personnel to cope with newer technologies as they are deployed.